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Re: ActiveX - Arrogance rules


Contrary to the tone of my last message I do not want to start a flame 
war. Although it is interesting to see if you can take what you give. 

All I was asking was for a little less chest beating and more 
substance. Actually, despite your comments on users being a bunch of 
idiots and losers, you at least said something of value in your 
analysis of ActiveX. 

The gist of my post was that name calling of users, and calling them 
all idiots just because they are not computer geeks (and I use that 
term kindly)is rather foolish.

I understood fully your message and your points on ActiveX and its 
weaknesses are well taken. I am obviously more impressed with Java's 
security model than M$'s, but that goes without saying.

Actually I know quite a bit about users, I train them.

Tom Cooper